SquirrelBuster Finch by BROME BIRD CARE
SquirrelBuster Finch by BROME BIRD CARE
Regular price
$75.99 USD
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Sale price
$75.99 USD
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The Brome Bird Care SquirrelBuster Finch is guaranteed squirrel-proof; it is effective against red and gray squirrels. Openings in the wire shroud align with seed ports and provide birds access to the seed; when a squirrel climbs onto the feeder, its weight automatically forces the shroud down, closing access to the seed ports. All squirrels and many large birds are foiled, but not harmed in any way.
Worth its weight in Gold(finches)!
The SquirrelBuster Finch is recommended for Nyjer Seed ONLY.
The Patented Seed Tube Ventilation system™ circulates air through the seed and keeps it dry and fresh. The Classic can be converted to a clinging feeder (perches are removable). Negative Grip Tube™ prevents squirrels from grabbing the wire hanger with their hind legs, hanging alongside the feeder and defeating the closing mechanism. The SquirrelBuster dismantles for easy cleaning.
Squirrels can no longer steal your wild bird seed. Over a short period, this adds up to substantial savings that will pay for the purchase of your feeder.
Capacity - 1.4 quarts (2.4lbs)